Commitment to people
An alliance with the Planet
At Alma do Cacau we have a great concern for the people who give their lives to cocoa production. We wish to collaborate with producers who respect the human rights of people.
The farmers, in the whole commercial process, are the least valued, and are often paid at amounts that do not provide dignified living conditions.

What is fair trade?
We want to play an active role in the well-being of cocoa producers and we know that to do so we have to create sustainable, fair and ethical chocolate.
The cocoa we use in our chocolates is nutritious, creamy and delicious, and most importantly, it is Fairtrade certified. This ensures us not only flavorful ingredients, but also a fair payment to the farmers and producers that allows them to live with dignity. Which is awesome, but our mission is to go further.
Behind every bar of chocolate, there are another six million people around the world who depend on cocoa cultivation for their livelihoods.
By partnering with producers who supply Fairtrade-certified cocoa, we support farming communities and workers, promoting more stable incomes and ensuring better working conditions so that they and their families can have a better future.

FairTrade – Goodness and Justice
We want a better world and therefore, besides fighting for a more dignified life for these farmers, we actively fight against
exploitation of child labor.
By paying a price above market value and bonuses, we ensure that all production is sustainable and protected from market fluctuations, thus allowing stable incomes and protecting farmers from unfair prices.
We continue our mission with the Fairtrade Award, which is nothing more than an additional sum of money that goes into a community fund for workers and farmers to use according to their needs and improve their living conditions on a social, economic and environmental level.
The Fairtrade Award can make a difference in the daily lives of small farmers, and in many cases, can even make the life-changing difference that so many need.
There is nothing that makes us more proud than a chocolate that can change the world with goodness and justice.

Why are we BCorp?
Our dream is to create a brand focused on compassion and goodness. And when we join a community that shares the same desire to make the world a kinder, fairer and more positive place.
One of our proudest achievements is our recognition as a BCorp Certified Brand. This means that we are officially part of an incredible community of brands whose mission is not only to dream of a better world, but to act and make a difference.
What makes B-Corp unique is that it goes beyond economic gains and is primarily concerned with the positive impact we can have on society, creating an inclusive, regenerative, equitable and sustainable economic system for all people and the planet.
A chocolate that sustainably nourishes the well-being of people and the planet.

Discovering Cocoa
Nutritious, delicious, ethical, fair and sustainable
To be incredibly delicious, real chocolate doesn’t need milk. In fact, it only needs 3 ingredients – cocoa beans, coconut sugar, and cocoa butter.